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Businesses are increasingly reliant on robust and scalable database solutions to manage their growing data needs. Two prominent technologies have emerged that address these growth challenges: Amazon Aurora and TiDB. But how do you know which database is the best fit for your specific use case?

In this white paper, you’ll explore the distinct characteristics, performance metrics, scalability options, cost-effectiveness, and operability of both database platforms. You’ll also discover:

    • A side-by-side view of critical features and capabilities
    • The differences between Amazon Aurora and TiDB’s architecture—and why this matters for data volume scalability, concurrency, and workload complexity
    • An in-depth breakdown of data consistency models, disaster recovery options, and high availability solutions
    • The versatility of each database to handle multi-tenant deployments and operational requirements

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge you need to ensure robust database performance regardless of the application environment. Download this Amazon Aurora vs. TiDB comparison white paper to find the right distributed database for your requirements.