Book a Demo Start Instantly

Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Time: 19:00 pm – 22:00 pm

Location: Port de Sèvres, Paris, France

Want to discover how a distributed SQL database can play a transformative role in meeting today’s ever-evolving business needs?

Join us as we dive deep into TiDB, an advanced open-source, distributed SQL database, and discuss its role in scaling microservices, CI/CD pipelines, and containerized environments. You’ll learn how this database handles the scale, performance, and flexibility required to support demanding modern applications. You’ll also explore:

  • How TiDB’s architecture enables high availability and horizontal scalability
  • TiDB’s flexibility within cloud-native environments
  • How to implement CI/CD best practices to streamline database development
  • Using containerization to deploy databases for seamless scaling and agility
  • Real-world examples of database modernization for cutting-edge applicationsDon’t miss this chance to enhance your understanding of distributed databases and refine your application development strategies!

Who Should Attend: 

Developers, infrastructure engineers, and architects who want to optimize their database strategies and future-proof their applications using cloud-native, distributed SQL databases.


19:00 – 20:00    Registratio and Welcome Drink
20:00 – 20:10    Welcome Speech
20:10 – 20:30    Bolt’s Journey to TiDB – Presented by Boris, Senior DBE at Bolt
20:30 – 20:50    Selecting TiDB as a serving data layer – Presented by Yassir ,  Senior DBE at XP2Cloud
20:50 – 21:10    Modernized Applications on TiDB – Presented by Daniel, TSE at PingCAP
21:10 – 23:30    Barge cruising and cocktail party