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Time: May 31, 5:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time.

Join us at our Sunnyvale office for dinner and drinks! If you can’t make it in person, then check out our livestream.   

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The SQL optimizer is one of the most complicated database components. Even after decades of evolution, it continues to fascinate database enthusiasts. In this meetup, we will talk about TiDB’s experience with the query optimizer. Yu Dong will start with an overview and talk about some of its key components. He’ll also discuss the challenges, opportunities, and evolution behind the optimizer in an HTAP system. Finally, Yu will share some tuning practices for TiDB users as well as some features to come. Ed Huang will provide some practical insights on TiDB’s SQL optimizer.

Ed Huang

Co-founder and CTO, PingCAP

Ed Huang is co-founder and CTO of PingCAP, one of the creators of the TiDB distributed database and the TiKV key value store. While he was at Wandou Labs, Ed worked on clustering Redis and created and open-sourced Codis, a proxy based high performance Redis cluster solution. He decided to focus on the next generation database and went on to found PingCAP and create TiDB and TiKV.

Yu Dong

TiDB Cloud Compute team leader

Yu Dong is an architect and manager at PingCAP. He leads TiDB Cloud Compute team, which builds the cloud-native, distributed query, and computing capabilities of TiDB Cloud. Before joining PingCAP, Yu worked on query processing and optimization for 15+ years with IBM Db2z, Huawei Gauss MppDB, and Alibaba Cloud ADB. Yu also served on the Governing Board of Presto to help the Presto open source community.

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