TiDB Cloud

Looking for a MySQL compatible database that can grow at the speed of your business—without growing your DBA team? Then check out our live demo on how to leverage TiDB Cloud, a fully managed service of TiDB: an open source, distributed SQL, hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP) database.

Join PingCAP’s TiDB Cloud Sr. Product Manager, William Kulju, in this 35-minute webinar where he will give a live demo on how to get started with TiDB Cloud on AWS—and answer your most pressing questions. By the end of this webinar, you will know how to:

    • Create a TiDB Cloud Developer Tier account —at no cost to you for a full year (and with no strings attached)
    • Build an application ready database cluster with just a few clicks
    • Import CSV format data from an AWS-S3 bucket to your cluster
    • Use the TiDB Cloud Web SQL Shell to query data
    • Implement best practices for data import and secure data access